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Jan 8, 2025

2025 Top Tips: What's In This Year


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

As we dive into a new year, reflection on the previous naturally ensues. There was a lot that went down in 2024 and while we are thrilled with it, it's time to look ahead. Here's what we know is IN for 2025.

Prioritize Protein

I often feel like protein is the middle child in my daily routine. No disrespect to the middle children here, but while I do love my protein, it is the area I don't feel like I pay enough attention to.

I tend to pay the most attention to my carb intake and hydration. Not sure which one of the two is the oldest and which one is the youngest in this analogy. Because of my suspected deficiency, I’m always looking out for great daily protein supplement options, and that’s also why I’m going to share some suggestions with you for my 2025 Top Tips.

I’ll start it off with one of my favorites–the Kyoku Superfood Shake. It asserts itself as “the breakfast of champions,” and that’s no exaggeration. It’s 17g of protein is only the tip of the iceberg here. Kyoku is also made up of sixteen superfoods including chia, ashwagandha, spinach and broccoli.

And you may not think a superfood mix with black pepper and turmeric would taste awesome, but its creamy Vanilla flavor tastes almost milk shakey. I even hack it sometimes with a spoonful of almond butter and some cinnamon. An absolute chef’s kiss.

If you’re looking for something a little more focused on protein deliverance then Momentous Whey Protein Isolate packs a momentous amount. Every serving delivers 20g of grass-fed protein (mooo-mentous?) and is sourced from European farmers held to strict standards which is wonderful for those of you thinking more consciously about where your whey protein comes from. You can add Momentous to any smoothie or even baked goods for an added protein boost.

Or maybe you’re a multitasker when it comes to your supplements. Well, RNWY is a fantastic way to source both protein and creatine in one complete package. This mix delivers on a whopping–yes, whopping–25g of vegan protein and brings along its pal 5g of creatine. So one scoop in a glass of water, or liquid of choice, and you’re supporting muscle growth, enhancing recovery and doing some awesome stuff for your body. RNWY comes in Acai and Chocolate flavors, and both are super tasty.

And while I’ve got creatine on my mind, check out these Create Creatine Monohydrate Gummies. These gummies taste way too fun to be as functional as they are. These are also vegan, non-GMO and low in sugar, which makes them a great option for your daily routine alongside your protein intake.

Gut Health

Here's another tip for you as we head into 2025. This topic wouldn’t qualify as the sexiest, but it’s no less important (and very popular). I’m talking about your gut.

A lot of athletes actually deal with gut issues, so if you’ve been experiencing some bedlam in your bowels, or experiencing “argh” in your abdomen, you are very much not alone.

The reasons are often because of dehydration, high consumption of simple sugars, or just the physical stress of living an active lifestyle. But if you have a gut feeling that there’s something you can do to resolve your gut issues, you’re right, and I’m here to share some tips for making 2025 the year of the belly.

SwissRX Gut Defense makes my list for the second year in a row. And it tastes like chocolate milk which, as far as I’m concerned, gives gut defense a Saturday morning and watching cartoon-vibe. It’s also a great reset for your stomach after the holiday buffet insanity. This is a soothing balm for your intestinal tracts.

SwissRX has another product worth checking out, and yes, it’s different from the one I spoke about above. SwissRX Gut Health is preventative and works overtime in eliminating the toxins in your gut. What makes this capsule so effective are the Immunoglobulins, which is the active ingredient that can repair and help manage gut issues. Both of these SwissRX products are formulated and created in an environment that spares no expense in producing the high quality supplement. So, you can’t go wrong with either one.

Next up is Thorne L-Glutamine, which, as indicated by the name, helps increase the glutamine in your body, and glutamine generates more fuel for intestinal cell growth. So basically, one capsule of this a day will balance your stomach out and will assist in the absorption of nutrients.

If you’ve been curious about how to fill that gut of yours with good bacteria, then Microbiome Labs Megasporebiotic is your magic capsule. Yes, there’s good bacteria and when you’ve got intestines full of them, your bowels will be living their best life.

As dedicated athletes, we subject our bodies to a lot of stress. It’s just something we’ve come to accept. But do you have to accept the accompanying inflammation as a result of all that stress? Trick question. The answer is obviously, no. Cymbiotika Inflammatory Health will promote overall rejuvenation at a systemic level, inhibit inflammation all over the body and promote joint comfort and mobility. Cymbiotika isn’t directly connected to your gut, but stress to the body can sometimes manifest in the intestines.


Many of us stayed up all night recently celebrating the New Year…so what better time is there for us to talk about sleep?

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve discussed all the areas in which athletes could be practicing better self-care–gut health and protein–but now, we’re talking about getting better sleep in 2025.

Whom amongst us has not struggled with a good night’s sleep? And while there are dozens of products and innovations focused on addressing the ole toss and the turn, like a better pillow or a ring that monitors REM, I’ve got some incredible supplements that’ll put the Sandman out of business.

Pillar Performance Triple Magnesium Professional Recovery brings on the zzz’s via the power of three select forms of highly absorbable magnesium. I’m a huge fan of this product because it’s helped me firsthand and the flavors are seriously refreshing. The perfect pre-bed cocktail.

Restorative sleep is the best kind of sleep, and Cheribundi Sleep Concentrate is like a magical elixir that will transport you to dreamland. But Cheribundi, unlike Pillar, has some melatonin added to it so it’s a bit deeper than some other supplements listed here.

This last recommendation isn’t something you put in your mouth (our lawyers made us say that), and it may feel weird at first wearing goggles at night, but the Therabody Smart Goggles are genius. This is a new technological innovation developed by the guys who make the Theragun so they know what they’re doing.

If you’re staring at a screen all day, and suffer from migraines and headaches, or struggle to fall asleep, these smart goggles offer incredible treatment through three modes–Focus, SmartRelax and Sleep. It functions through vibrations and heat, and the results are that your face will feel pampered every single night.

Happy New Years to all of you out there. Looking forward to building positive habits in 2025 and to the rewards it reaps!