Training for Leadville? It’s more than just legs. Join us for our second Boundless Webinar with Ben Davis as he discusses mental training for endurance athletes.
Ben Davis –a Navy SEAL veteran, endurance athlete, and CFO of Veterans Outdoor Advocacy Group– provides insight for us on mental fortitude for the second installment of Boundless. Here are those highlights:
What is mental toughness?
Ability to perform at your physical potential
Ability to execute the plan
Dealing with setbacks
Ability to accept the reality of the circumstances and not let them sidetrack the plan
Step 1: Level-setting Your Own Expectations
Is this the right race for me?
Establish your why
What's the goal here?
Do I have time to prepare?
Step 2: Prepare
The Race Day Headspaces
Red: I don't think I can do this (how do you respond?)Yellow: I'm not sure I can do this (how do you affirm?)Green: I can do this (how do you confirm?)
Step 3: Execute
Plan your dive, dive your plan.
This means to build a strategy for your success and stick to that. Control your narrative.