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Jan 22, 2014

It's Not Just About The Food.


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

At The Feed we aren't here to simply push products on you. We're here to make sure you not only get the right nutrition to fuel your body, but that you understand why, when and how to eat it. We truly believe that eating better is the foundation for being better at everything you do. That's why every customer get's personalized attention from one of our nutrition coaches. At any time you can email our nutrition coaches and get advice on training and nutrition. They will help you pick every product, every flavor, and work with you to develop customized nutrition plans for you workouts, sports and events.  Adam Crowe started with nutrition coach Brooks a few months back. Here's his story:

Why and how did you end up at The Feed? I learned about The Feed through Twitter. A few of the Garmin riders mentioned the site and service. Once I understood what it was and what was offered, I immediately joined. How has it been? I have been very happy with The Feed since my first box arrived. I have been able to try new products and brands that I had previously not known about. I had grown tired of eating the same bars, and after trading a few emails Brooks was able to build a box for me that I love. I have already increased my order to include more products. Have you learned anything about fueling your body? One of the greatest things I have learned from the feed is how to mix nutrition. I have always carried gels, but I have never branched out and tried such a variety of products. Now I always have a few blocks, a gel, and maybe a small bar in my back pocket. I try to now to mix solid foods with gels and blocks to make sure I don't get bored or tired of any foods. What is your favorite piece of nutrition? That has to be the bonk breaker PB&J bar. Awesome! What are your goals for 2014? In 2014 I hope to complete my first century, get to my goal weight, and build on my progress from 2013. I will have The Feed in my back pocket fueling me the entire way.