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Oct 8, 2024

Marc Dubrick's Rollercoaster September


By The Feed.

HPT Athlete and Pro Triathlete Marc "the shark" Dubrick caught up with our team to share some insight on his wild September. From his first-ever 70.3 win to course-side sherpa duties, his month held a bit of everything.

70.3 Cozumel Recap

Cozumel was an unforgettable race for me—I secured my first-ever 70.3 win and had the fastest swim and run of the day! The conditions were brutal, with heat, humidity, and quite a few athletes blatantly drafting on the bike course. Stepping onto the run, I knew I could keep my head high no matter where I finished. Although I used those cheaters as extra motivation, I stayed focused and came away with the fastest run of the day. This was my second time racing Cozumel, and I ran 5 minutes faster than my previous time, which shows some great progress in how I handle racing in the heat.

Augusta race to Chattanooga Sherpa Mode

While I was excited to race Augusta again, the impact of the hurricane took precedence, and the race was canceled. After seeing the devastation firsthand, I fully understood and agreed with the decision. Racing felt insignificant in light of what so many people were going through. We had to chainsaw our way out of our Airbnb and were very lucky nothing more happened.

With Augusta 70.3 canceled, the RTS squad shifted focus to Ironman Chattanooga. I didn’t race, but there was no way I would miss the chance to cheer on friends and continue meeting more people within this amazing triathlon community. Meeting more triathlon lovers and supporting my friends and teammates reminded me of what makes this sport so special.

Reflecting on September

From Tallinn, Beijing, Boulder, Cozumel, Augusta, and Chattanooga—and all the moments in between—this month has been full of highs and lows. The high of winning my first 70.3 will always stay with me, but what truly stood out is how much I’ve enjoyed being a part of the triathlon community. The support, camaraderie, and shared experiences after each race (whether I’m racing or not) make it all that much more special.

Up Next

October 19th I will be racing T100 Las Vegas, and from October 21st through 28th, I'll be on sherpa duties again in Kona!