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Feb 13, 2022

Should we all be taking Creatine?


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

Should endurance athletes be taking creatine? The benefits are more than just physical performance. See why creatine may be the unsung hero in cognitive function, mood, and acuity. .

  • Studies show creatine is not only a performance booster but can also boost your mood.

  • More and more endurance athletes are using creatine daily

  • It is safe and easy to use, recommended dosage is 5g per day.

  • All brands use the same source for creatine called Creapure, so it doesn't matter which brand you pick.

Did you know that your brain has very high energy demands and relies on Creatine as an energy source like your muscles?

Creatine is probably the most used daily performance supplement globally, but its impact on cognitive health and performance is relatively new.

First, does taking Creatine Orally actually increase it in Your Brain?

The evidence is solid here, with 9 out of 13 studies showing that taking oral Creatine does increase its level in the brain.

So what happens with increased Brain Creatine levels? Well, studies are have shown that there was evidence that short-term memory and intelligence/reasoning may improve by taking Creatine.

A study in South Korea had 52 women with chronic depression taking Lexapro (an antidepressant) add Creatine or a placebo to their daily routine.

At two weeks, those who had taken Creatine showed a 32 percent improvement in their symptoms of depression, while those taking a placebo only improved by 3.7 percent.

At four weeks, the improvement rates were 68 percent with Creatine and 29 percent without By the end of the study, half of the women in the creatine group were depression-free, placing them at twice the success rate of the group that took Lexapro alone. [Source: The Atlantic]

Is Creatine Safe?

Creatine is safe and inexpensive, and now you can get both the physical performance benefits of faster peak power during high-intensity and what appears to a cognitive, mood and neuroprotective benefits.

Isn't Creatine just for Strength Athletes?

A few years ago, Creatine was shunned by many endurance athletes as it increased water retention. While this effect will often dissipate, there is a more thoughtful way for Endurance athletes to take Creatine to avoid water retention.

If you skip the loading period, it will take a week or two longer to get to peak Creatine levels, but you will get to the same place as if you did the loading. Plus, this should help you avoid much, if any, increased water retention.

How much do you take?

You want to take 3g to 5g per day. I like to take it in the morning.All the Creatine is from a brand called Creapure, so even though we have five different brands selling Creatine, they are all the same thing. They range from $0.07 per gram to $0.10 per gram.

Recommended Creatine Products:

  1. The best deal is Thorne Creatine and you get 90 servings of 5 g, and the cost per gram is only $0.07.

  2. If you want it NSF tested, then go with Klean Athlete gets you NSF certification for 60 servings of 5g, and the cost per gram is $0.10.

  3. If you want just a one-month supply, then Onnit Creatine is a great option at only $14.95 for a 30 day supply and $0.10 per gram.

Scoop up some Creatine in your breakfast routine and see how it works to brighten your day!