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Nov 22, 2024

SiS: Science in Sport


By The Feed.

As the sole US Retail Partner for Science in Sport (SiS), you'd expect we may be biased, but SiS is truly a top-shelf performance nutrition provider. They pioneered things like the isotonic gel and high-carb chews. Check out these Black Friday deals!

Science in Sport (SiS) is one of the most trusted and widely-used brands in the game. They not only pioneered the isotonic gel movement, but also developed some of the most effective high-carb products on the market.

In an effort to give you a glimpse into their lineup, and amazing deals along the way, we have created a few standout Black Friday Packs.

SiS Black Friday Packs:

Pack #1: 24 for $24 GO Isotonic Gels

The OG of isotonic (equal in osmotic pressure) gels. These GO Gels don't require water to get down and are a refreshing consistency. They are a reliable 22g of carbs and come in flavors that will keep you coming back for more. You get a variety of flavors and types: regular Isotonic, Electrolyte, and Caffeinated.

Pack #2: 12 for $24 Beta Fuel Chews

Beta Fuel Chews are a game changing and versatile chew that provides 45g of carbohydrates. Yes - in a CHEW! They come in a pack of two and are like a chewable, soft "bar-like" thing that just melts in your mouth. You get 6 x Lemon and 6 x Orange.

Pack #3: 12 for $24 Bake Energy Bars

GO Energy Bake will scratch your "real food" itch. With packs 35 grams of carbohydrates, a fruit-filled center, and amazing flavor, this bar is yummy workout fuel. You get 4 x Lemon, Orange, and Strawberry flavors.