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Jan 9, 2017

Top 3 Best Sellers of 2016


By Adam Galuszka

COO at The Feed

2016 was a great year at The Feed! One of our favorite things to do in the new year is to pull a report of our best selling products to see the big winners of the previous year.

This year, we were blown away that Untapped (a two-year-old brand) took the #1 spot. Even though they're young, they've created a truly different and great tasting option for quick energy. Admittedly, we love the product and always take the opportunity to recommend and promote it. 

Rip Van Wafel (Traditional) came in at the #2 spot. This SKU took the #1 spot last year and continues to be a major crowd-pleaser, especially among coffee drinkers.

Skratch Labs Fruit Drops came in with the 3rd place position. Little known fact: these chews taste incredible in the winter months! It's one of our favorite ski snacks. Try these today!