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Aug 24, 2022

HPT Athlete Interview: Rose Grant


By The Feed.

As a respected and prominent athlete, Rose Grant has consistently been in the fight at the front of races. As her life moves into a new chapter, we explore what she's looking forward to and how she's managed racing this season.

What are your thoughts on how you have performed over the course of the LTGP and how are you able to be consistent through the season?

I’m treating this year as a “bonus year” because last year was sort of the last professional year of racing. I’m giving myself grace in the opportunity to show up and not be result-focused.

This year has confirmed that I’m a much better mountain biker than a gravel racer. I like the individual effort [in mountain biking] and not relying on other people with how it goes.

I’ve not raced much outside of LTGP, which has been great for me to be able to reset and train. The big efforts take a lot more out of us than realized…so my focus has been “less is more”. I try to control the controllable and let the rest go.

The Last Best Ride

This race is so much fun as a “home gravel race”. It’s much rougher terrain and mountain biker friendly. In addition to being low stress, there’s not as much of a focus on performance meaning I am allowed to race more freely. I love the positive environment where everyone feels valued and supported.

You’ve podiumed L100 3x - what does this race mean to you and your calendar?

I love L100. It’s not easy but comes to me easy in comparison, especially with how I see it affect other athletes. It's a hard race to get it right, but I’ve always handled it well, especially by showing up two weeks early. I know the course super well and it has a simple design so I know the demands it produces. I’ve treated it like a TT for the most part, it’s “hard for me to go hard” so my body likes to go strong and steady.

How do you plan on tackling the remaining two LTGP races: Chequamegon & Big Sugar?

Chequamegon will be short, more technical, and punchy so I will begin to tailor training to the intensity side of things. I’ve been able to race Iceman well in the past, especially by racing from the front and being able to control the pace the whole day.

Big Sugar - I’ll see how I’m feeling and let things unfold! I don’t feel super determined to make big changes now at this point in my season and career.

What’re you looking forward to in this next chapter?

I’m looking forward to letting structure with training go and riding for fun - having the time and flexibility to do other outdoor activities. I’m still excited for events like Last Best Ride and others. However, I don't see myself maintaining a high fitness level.

I’m looking forward to entering a coaching role and being able to give back/provide value with my experience.

Rose's Favorite Products:

Gu Roctane Hydration Drink Mix : Favorite Flavor - Strawberry Hibiscus

Joje Bars - Favorite Flavor - Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

Hammer Nutrition REM Caps - SLEEP

Saltstick Electrolyte Fast Chews

Kyoku Super Food Shake