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Oct 27, 2023

NYC Marathon: Fueling 101


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

With the NYC Marathon less than two weeks away, it's time to think about your fueling plan. We've put together a course-specific plan + guide for where you can get certain things and what to plan for on race day.

The NYC Marathon is less than two weeks away! Whether you're running or supporting the runners, we put together a quick guide so you know where to get fuel, water, and anything extra you need from your support squad.⁠

On-Course Fuel

⁠There will be a few options for sticking strictly to on-course fuel. On-course fuel will be Science in Sport Go Isotonic Energy Gels and they will be available at miles 12 and 18! Bananas will also be available at miles 21 and 23, if needed. Try to stay hydrated every mile with the water and Gatorade that is available every mile (except 5, 7, and 9) as well.

If you're not a fan of the on-course hydration, take Salt Stick Fastchews (or caps) with you or bring gels that contain some more sodium in them. We suggest NEVERSECOND C30, Veloforte, and the PowerBar OG gels!

Goal: Aim to consume 60-90g of carbs + 16-20oz of water every hour that you're on course.

The Route

NYC is a unique marathon. There are five bridges to cross, but two of them are quite long. There is an daunting straightaway early on and a couple of sneaky-hard hills toward the end that will test you.

You will pass some iconic landmarks, like the Verrazzano and 59th St. Bridge. Tip: take fuel at the base of the bridge!

Training Fuel

Get up to speed with your fueling strategy now. Practicing your plan in training during the lead up to race day can vastly improve your ability to execute and tolerate a fueling strategy.

Looking for a mix of chews, gels, and bars for the marathon? Check out our Marathon Training Pack.

P.S. The last day to order and receive your fuel in time is for regular shipping The morning of the 2nd would be the absolute latest for Next Day Air shipping. If you're traveling, reach out to your hotel to see if you can get your goodies shipped there if needed.

Happy running!