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Feb 11, 2022

Steal the daily supplement routine of Tour de France athletes.


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

If you take supplements daily, do you have the right routine? Dr. Kevin Sprouse of the EF Pro Cycling Team has revealed the protocol he uses with his pro athletes.

  • Dr. Kevin Sprouse of the EF Pro Cycling Team has formulated the ultimate daily supplement routine for endurance athletes.

  • New High Performance Feed Formula combines your daily supplement routine with the top 3 performance boosting supplements.

  • You can now try out this new Feed Formula and save 50% off the first month.

I've always wondered if I'm taking the proper supplement routine. What if there was a better approach?

I've been notorious for asking pro athletes what was in their routine, but it was amazing how much they would clam up, provide vague answers, and not want to share their secret sauce.

This past Fall, we talked to Dr. Kevin Sprouse (EF Pro Cycling Team Doctor) about developing the ultimate daily supplement routine to boost performance.

The result is a new Feed Formula we quietly rolled out this past Fall called the High-Performance Feed Formula. It isn't for everyone, but if you want to get the same protocol the pros are using for marginal performance gains, this is the one.

While we didn't promote the Formula, we have now had over a thousand athletes using it, and what I find the most amazing is that almost every one of them is still using it.

Anecdotally, athletes on this new High-Performance Formula report more energy to train, the ability to stick with their training plan, and many find their most challenging workouts get just a little easier.

If you aren't familiar with Feed Formulas, it is where we make you a personal daily supplement pouch—eliminating the clutter of a bunch of supplement bottles and the hassle of counting out pills each morning.

To create the High-Performance Formula, Dr. Sprouse took our most popular daily supplement protocol (SwissRX Multi-Vitamin, Omega 3, and Vitamin D) and doubled up the Multi-Vitamin. We did this to ensure you had additional micro-nutrients to fuel your energy production for a higher training volume and more anti-oxidants to clean up after your training.

Then we added our top 3 performance boosters: Beta-Alanine for buffering lactate acid, Optygen for boosting Vo2Max, and a daily dosage of Nitric Oxide to increase the flow of oxygen-rich red blood going to your working muscles.

In my experience, it was after two weeks when I felt the difference noticeably kick in, and new PRs started to happen. My FTP went up, and I consistently finished the most challenging interval workouts without dropping the intensity in the last set. I can't promise this will be the experience of everyone, but so far, this seems more the norm than the exception.

Maybe the best part is that I had that feeling I usually only get in the middle of summer when I feel I'm at my peak fitness level. Although hard to say if that is a result of the Formula or just great back-to-back workouts for a few weeks.

One word of caution, we took the spare-no-expense approach with this Formula. It is not cheap at $233 per month, but to make it easier to try it out, you get 50% off your first month today.

  • You get a 28 day supply.

  • You will receive two Feed Formulas boxes with 14 days in each box.

Each day is two pouches. You get your foundation Athlete Daily in one pouch and your High Performance supplements in the other.

I take both pouches in the AM, but you can split up and take the Athlete Daily in the A.M. and the Performance pouch in the P.M.

Follow this link if you want to know more about the science behind each supplement we included.

Three important things to know about Feed Formulas:

  1. We only use trusted branded supplements from companies like Thorne, SwissRx, Puori, HVMN, Klean Athlete®, First Endurance, and more. We never use generic supplements.

  2. We don't charge more for Feed Formulas. You receive a four-week supply for the same price as if you bought a bottle of each supplement.

  3. Finally, the most valuable part of Feed Formulas is that Dr. Kevin Sprouse (EF Team Doctor) has designed each protocol, dosage amount, and which brand of supplements is most effective for each Formula. Professional athletes pay Dr. Sprouse tens of thousands of dollars to create these protocols for them, and you are getting this for free.

Here is the deal. You can try any High-Performance Formula and save 50% on your order. If you don't love it, you can cancel anytime hassle-free right online—no need to call or email anyone.