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Dec 28, 2023

Top 5 Tips for 2024 – Part 2: Fix Your Gut


By Matt Johnson

Founder of The Feed.

Expanding on our Top Tips for the New Year series, we present Part 2: how to fix (most) gut issues. Common among athletes, gut problems not only significantly influence performance but also profoundly impact your overall well-being.

In Part 1, I shared the first of five simple –yet effective– tips to enhance your well-being and training in 2024: focusing on rehydrating effectively after your workout with 32 oz of a low-sugar hydration drink. Today, let’s delve into a topic crucial for athletes: resolving (most) gut issues.

If you have gut issues, you aren't alone. Gut problems are common among athletes, often stemming from dehydration, high consumption of simple sugars, and the physical stress of training. I've personally battled gut issues and have since helped thousands of our Feed athletes with a routine that has proven effective.

However, it's important to note that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Gut issues can have various causes, but this routine is particularly effective for inflammation-related problems that are so common with athletes.

Here's the simple protocol:

Why is it effective?

Many athletes experience gut inflammation, leading to a condition similar to 'leaky gut.' SwissRX Gut Defense is rich in L-Glutamine and soothing ingredients like Aloe Vera Leaf, Licorice Root Extract, and Vitamin A. In my experience, it tends to work wonders for most.

Additional considerations:

  • For gut issues related to bacteria or parasites, or for a more comprehensive approach, incorporate SwissRX Gut Health for a month. You can start with Gut Defense and add Gut Health after 14 days, or use both from the beginning. Gut Health contains Immunoglobulins that target harmful elements in the gut.
  • If you’re currently taking a probiotic, consider pausing it during this 4-week routine. Probiotics are beneficial, but they can sometimes exacerbate issues by feeding harmful elements in your gut. After improving your gut health, you can reassess whether to reintroduce the probiotic.

Many ask if continuous use is necessary. In my experience, regular use isn’t required post-treatment. I use SwissRX Gut Defense occasionally, about once a week, and more frequently when traveling.

Next, I'll share the simple supplement routine that will benefit almost all athletes.