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How to properly mix Maurten Drinks like a Pro.

Maurten is top of its class in fueling performance and training; but are you not getting the most out of it?

Kipchoge sleeps for this many hours every day, to be one of the world’s greatest marathon runners

Watch and learn about how Maurten Works.

👨‍🔬Tobias is Maurten's expert on Sports Nutrition. He has created a series of awesome for their pro athletes and pro sports teams to better understand Maurten. I'm excited that we can now share them with all athletes.

The Secret of the Fasted Keto Morning Workout

The key benefit of a Keto style diet for endurance athletes is in improving your metabolic flexibility - your ability to use fat as an energy source. How do we appropriately train in this state?

Why Drinking Water All Day Long Is Not the Best Way to Stay Hydrated

We have been hydrating all wrong. Water is passing right through is without fully hydrating us. Adding Electrolytes can prevent this and keep your hydration levels in balance.

GU Energy Gel Review: Everything You Need to Know Before You Buy

Learn the benefits and best use cases for one of the longest-standing energy gels on the market: GU Energy. Unlock better performance with this complete GU Energy Gel review.

The Top 5 Biohacks for Athletes

There is a fascinating intersection between athletic performance and the world of biohacking. At The Feed we are discovering the latest ideas, testing them in our training, and seeing which ones we feel had a meaningful impact for us.

How to fuel for the New York City Marathon 🏃‍♂️💨

Our experts provide you everything you need to know from hydration to using gels for energy. Plus find out which supplements will help you run faster and set a PR.