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Damn, I've Been Training All Wrong

Stuff your face! This article resurfaces my aggressive fueling strategy to improve performance while shedding unwanted weight. See how to level up your training, performance, and fitness by eating more.

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Who is Chelsea Sodaro?

We are ecstatic to announce the addition of Ironman World Champion and devoted mom, Chelsea Sodaro, to The Feed's High-Performance Team!

Getting to Know The Breakaway

“The success rate has been mind-blowing, even to me", expresses Christian Vande Velde regarding his experience with The Breakaway. Check out our deep dive with Christian and Mari Holden on how their platform is changing the training game.

Why Zone 2 Training is Essential

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Want to Upgrade your Breakfast?

Hitting your macros isn't enough for a high performing athlete. Try one of the most functional and nutritious shakes available from Kyoku and change your breakfast game.

Top 5 Indoor Training Hacks

Winter training can mean moving more of those workouts indoors. While this can be an efficient way to stay on the ball, there are some tricks you can use to get the most out of each session. Here are Matt's top 5 indoor training hacks!

Hillary Allen's Dominant UTCT Performance

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Why the Post-Season is the Best Time to Try New Products

In this blog post, our partner Fuelin covers what GI complaints are, where they originate from, and what you may be missing in training. We are excited to unveil this article to help improve your new season.