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The Secret Weapon Used By The Pros To Reduce Inflammation and Speed Recovery

We discovered this nifty new recovery device that a number of NBA Basketball teams and Nike Pro Athletes have been using for recovery and keeping secret. So, of course, we had to get our hands on it!

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How To Hydrate Like The Pros

If you aren't hydrating correctly, nothing else in your fueling strategy matters. Here's how to implement proper hydration for short, medium and long training sessions.

Will Racing Return this Year? | Top Selling Pandemic Products

Do you think racing is going to return? Whether we are participants or watching on television, many of us anxious for racing to return (I know I certainly am). While we have seen a few local races pop-up, but will the major events return?

How To Go Faster and Hurt Less (part 1)

Have you ever watched pro riders in the Tour de France screaming up the side of switchback mountain trails like they have motors in their bikes (ahem...🤨) or cruise through mile 18 of a marathon as if they’re just Sunday strollin'… and wondered “how is it possible their faces aren’t absolutely cringing in pain?” The answer? They either have one helluva poker face, or (a more likely scenario)...They aren't hurting as much as you or I would at a fraction of the effort

Did you train your lungs today?

What if I told you there was a secret method of increasing your athletic performance by 8% or more in as little as 8 weeks? Learn how athletes are boosting their breathing performance.

Cutting Through the Carb Confusion

Carbs have had a tough time as of late. Yet, they serve a crucial role in providing us the fuel necessary for athletic endeavors in addition to the nourishment they bring to our body. How do we cut through the confusion?

How to Sleep Better with Dr. Sprouse

Sleep has finally garnered the respect it deserves. With a shift across the sports and performance world, with regard to the value of some shut eye, Dr. Kevin Sprouse talks about how we can capitalize on our rest..

What is Pharmaceutical Grade and why it matters so much.

While everyone should be cautious of what they put in their bodies, athletes in particular need to be extra careful. To that note, SwissRX has an obsession with ingredient quality.

What's the difference between percussive massage and vibration massage?

Are you looking for an efficient tool to prep for a workout, enhance recovery, or heal up? Percussive massage and massage devices are changing the "at-home recovery" scene.