Our latest insider scoops

LMNT Electrolytes: Benefits & Review
In the world of sports nutrition, “electrolytes” may be one of the most prevalent themes of all. LMNT is a leader in this space and we are excited to do a deeper dive on the benefits of LMNT, how it stands apart, and why you need more electrolytes.

New Year, New Habits – Part 2: Breakfast Upgrades
For part two of our New Year, New Habits series, we're talking breakfast. Upgrading your breakfast can have a big impact on the energy and performance of the day that follows – check out these tips!

New Year, New Habits – Part 1: Greens Powders
For the new year, we are launching a series on which habits we can develop to improve health and performance. For the first installment, we are breaking down greens powders: a surefire way to improve daily nutition.

New Year, New Neutrals
If fueling has become more of a task than a treat, we have a solution for you. Neutral options are gaining speed and allowing more athletes to fuel effectively. Take a quick dive into the neutral gels of 2024.

NYC Marathon: Fueling 101
With the NYC Marathon less than two weeks away, it's time to think about your fueling plan. We've put together a course-specific plan + guide for where you can get certain things and what to plan for on race day.

Fuel Your Run Part 3: The Top 5 Performance Boosters
For the third and final installment of our fall running series, we disclose the top five ways to boost your athletic performance. Check out how to enhance enhance your performance for high-intensity training and racing, whether you are running, riding, swimming, or more!

Fuel Your Run Part 2: Stay Hydrated
Recently, we started a series by sharing the newest strategies for fueling your runs with gels. This week, as part two of our fall running season series, we're delving into how best to stay hydrated during your runs.

Fuel Your Run Part 1: Running with Gels
As we welcome the running season this fall, I'm thrilled to bring you a three-part series delving into the freshest ideas and trends in fueling your run. Kicking off with Part 1 today by exploring the world of running with gels.