Our latest insider scoops
Collagen and Athletes: What You Need To Know
While pesky injuries and issues try to hold us back from performing our best, what if we were missing something? Collagen is that candidate we've been needing.
Don’t Cramp My Style: Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps
You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn't experienced cramps. Hannah dives into two main theories for EAMC and provides personal insight into how we can try to avoid them.
Asker Jeukendrup
Asker has been pivotal in influencing the fueling guidelines that top endurance athletes now ascribe to. He sat down with The Feed's HPT to discuss how we can optimize our plan with carbohydrates .
Top 5 Tips for Pain Cave Workouts
Are you training indoors? This week's top 5 training hacks & tips are all about making your indoor training easier so you can push harder and get more fitness gains.
On-The-Bike Nutrition 101
Sports nutrition can be a complicated subject. Here is our HPT member Hannah Otto to break down nutrition and fueling strategies to take your next session up a notch.
HVMN IQ Ketone Ester
We take a deep dive with Geoffrey Woo (HVMN Co-founder) on the benefits and protocols for using exogenous ketone ester in sport.
How to Use Gels & Chews
Gels and chews are great for hard training sessions and events. These "lighter fluid" fuel sources need to be used properly, however, for great performance.
Craig Alexander's Top Training Tips
As one of the most remarkable and respected athletes in the endurance community, Craig "Crowie" Alexander sat down with us to discuss his key training considerations.