Our latest insider scoops

Why are Athletes Fueling with Ketones?
Ketones have become a hot topic in the recent years with World Tour level teams pouring money out for them. What are they and why are the top athletes using them? This article touches on the use of ketones for endurance athletes and how you can implement them.

Balancing Motherhood and Profession
Rose Grant is a shining example for motherhood in sport. Her poise, balance, and determination while maintaining the demands of being a professional athlete is inspiring. We are happy to bring you this write-up from none other than Rose.

Massapequa Park Bicycle Club
The Massapequa Park Bicycle Club (MPBC) is a generous, enthusiastic, and passionate cycling club in New York. As "Long Island's Bike Club", they join with our founder –Matt– to talk all about improving performance on the bike.
Hannah Otto | Albstadt World Cup
"There’s something electric about being at a World Cup. The emotion in the air is palpable." Hannah Otto takes us through her experience at the 2nd round of the World Cup in Albstadt, Germany.

The Effect of Heat on Performance
Heat is a tricky thing to tackle when it comes to endurance events. It’s an uncontrollable, inescapable part of training and competition. However, we can tame the effect it has on us and even use it to our advantage.
Alexey Vermeulen | BWR San Diego Gold
"An unforgiving race that gave back." Alexey's victory at the 2022 Belgian Waffle Ride San Diego marks his triumph over a three year grapple with the event. Catch up on his experience and dominance in this race recap!

Hannah Otto | The Whiskey 50
Known for its infamous fat tire crit, a community buzzing with excitement, and one of the biggest bike-parties of the year, the Whiskey Off-Road is a unique experience. HPT member Hannah Otto recaps her lively race weekend in Prescott, AZ.

How to Fuel for a Stage Race
Have you been preparing to tackle a multi-day event or stage race? Adhering to a proper fueling plan can make or break your event – regardless of fitness. Learn the art of fueling for multi-day events.